04 February 2010

Hey, Pass Me Your Answers!

PROLOGUE: Walk into any high school or college classroom during the first big exam, and you can be sure to find at least one student, though probably more than that, committing what we in the academic community call “academic dishonesty.” Sure, every institution has laws in place, but you would be surprised how little difference these make to the student.

CONTRARY: We have laws in this country for a reason, usually to protect. Academic dishonesty is not only unfair to the cheater, but also the honest student who spent six hours the night before reviewing her notes, as well as the student whose test is being copied. If a student feels that she is not capable of performing well on the test, perhaps she should contact her instructor in advance instead of resorting to such heinous methods.

EXPOSITION: Most of the time when a student cheats, it is not because the work is too difficult, or even that it takes a great deal of effort to study. America, on average, is very lazy, and with Facebook, television, and video games, the youth often wait until the last possible second to prepare for class the next day, which leaves them in quite a quandary. Fail the test, or employ some not-so-ethical strategies to get the grade. I’m sure you can figure out which one they usually choose.

COMPARISON: From drive-thrus at Sonic because waiting in your car just wasn’t fast enough to blaming others for their own actions, Americans are quick to take the easy road, and academics, unfortunately, does not escape this cultural paradigm.

INTENTION: Most of the time when students commit academic dishonesty, they are not thinking of the consequences or the atrocity of their actions. They simply want the easy way out, as they are taught from an early age.

DIGRESSION: If a student was refused aid from their instructor, perhaps they might have the right to cheat on a test. Honestly, though, how many times have you heard about the college professor who told the student to figure it out on their own? Personally, I never have. Teachers are paid to help their students, if only the students would not be too afraid or embarrassed or lazy to ask.

REJECTION OF PITY: Any student who has enough of a corrupted moral code to cheat will be quick to formulate a tragic sob-story good enough to win any professor over. Any professor, that is, who doesn’t know better. It’s a bit too late to crank up the waterworks once the professor has caught the student, and the professor must be sure not to soften or take pity upon the offender.

LEGALITY: Cheating and plagiarism are both illegal, especially in the university setting, but that stops very few students into refraining from it. Just as college students engage in underage drinking and other illegally reckless behavior,

JUSTICE: We, as a society, need to better enforce the academic dishonesty laws. For every student who is caught cheating, I would say that another five are getting away with it, and therefore will continue to do so in the future.

ADVANTAGE: As I mentioned earlier, cheating doesn’t only affect the cheater. If cheaters can be completely eliminated (good luck with that one) then students will be more motivated towards completing their work and preparing for tests, and the grading scale will be far more far. You shouldn’t be able to cheat your way into a good grade in a class under any circumstance.

POSSIBILITY: Everything is easier said than done, I’m afraid. Saying that you are going to better enforce academic dishonesty decrees and actually catching the students in the act are two different things. However, if both students and teachers take a step toward honesty, much can be done to prevent people cheating first in class and secondly in life.


  1. Love your stance on the issue regarding personal responsibility in your comparison. The former car hop in me especially loves the bit about Americans preferring to always take the easy road... Great argument!

  2. I think you did a great job of sounding very personal and real in this blog. You came at this from a much less formal angle, but I think it works since you're a student who sees this stuff going on next to you every day. Choosing that tone made it much more powerful, and bringing in examples of the things that distract students (facebook, etc.) pinpointed our generation. I also particularly liked what you said about preventing cheating not only in class, but also in life. It is an excellent point. Cheaters are cheaters everywhere--not just in a class room.

  3. I also wrote on this topic. It is a topic that is very important to me for the same reasons that you have outlined here. I think that people, especially students, need to take more responsibility for their own actions. I know that if I don't study for a test, or if I don't complete an assignment, it's my own fault. There has only been one time when I can honestly blame something else on me not being able to complete an assignment and that was when I was in a car accident the night before it was due. Again though, it's my fault for waiting until the day before to do it. I understood that I should have done it sooner, and I accepted the lower grade for having it turned in late.

    It took me some time to realize that I control my grades. In high school, I was the kid that always had some clever excuse for not doing well or turning in my work. Then I met my Honors English I teacher. Oh man did she lay down the law! She never ever ever accepted late work. The only way she would is if you were in the hospital on your death bed. She really taught me what it was like to be a responsible person. I am so thankful that I had her in high school. I just wish that some of my peers would take more responsibility for their actions. I've met some people that always see themselves as the victim and thing they are entitled to cheat because something happened to them to prevent them from coming to class prepared. This is not to say that I don't come to class prepared sometimes. The difference is that I know I am the one who messed up. I accept it and move on and work to do better next time. Hopefully by the time we all leave college, we are able to do that a little better.
